Corn & Harvest Moons as Seen From Dallas, Texas on 5-Sep-2017 & 5-Oct-2017 Respectively
These images were captured in East Dallas on the evenings of 5-Sep-2017 & 5-Oct-2017 within the city limits of Dallas, Texas. September 2017's full Moon is called the Corn Moon - not the Harvest Moon which is always identified as the Full Moon occurring closest to the Autumnal Equinox. This year's equinox falls on 22-Sep-2017; and thus, the 5-Oct-2017 full Moon is this year's Harvest Moon. The 5-Oct-2017 Harvest Moon is shown in full glory and in living color. The images above are nearly 40 years in the making, and is my first attempt imaging the Moon. Equipment used: Canon EOS 5D Mark ii, Celestron C-8 (Classic Orange Tube) 8" SCT, f/10 & 2,000mm.
© copyright Chuck D. Howell, Jr. 2001-2022
No part of this website or any information contained may be used or reproduced without written permission from Chuck D. Howell. Figures and information may not be posted on other websites and/or publications. Proper citation is required.