Conostichus ornatus

These beautiful occurrences of
Conostichus ornatus (?)
are found on the top bedding surface within a wave-dominated
deltaic shoreface
(Wall Creek Member
of the
Frontier Formation,
Powder River Basin, Wyoming). These trace-fossils are interpreted as
- resting imprints - that preserve cnidarian basal pedal imprints. Note the
twelve fold radial symmetry of the physa. Other investigators have argued
that these impressions should be interpreted as "button corals" --
which, are common in the
Cretaceous rock record. I would refer the reader to the following two
images taken of a modern captive carpet anemone (Stichodactyla haddoni). The
individual organism in
the lower images has attached itself to the side of the aquarium glass and the
radial pattern in soft-tissue
structures (physa) are easily seen. The first image provides scale and the
second image is provided for detailed viewing of the of the organism's pedal disk.

© copyright Chuck D.
Howell, Jr. 2001-2022
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