
This trace fossil
occurrence is interpreted to represnt
Isopodichnus. This trace is
on the top surface and bedding plane in fine-grained sandstone within a section
of the Steele Shale deposited below the Shannon Member, Salt Creek Oil Field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming). Note the characteristic
bi-lobate patern on either side opposite sides of the elongate axis and the 'V'
shaped pattern and trackway. The occurrnece located just above the scale
preserves the movement (locomotion - Repichnia
- of an ancient anarthropod moving 'northeast' to 'southwest'. The open
end of the 'V' pattern is used as an indicator for the direction of movement.
Cardinal directions used for describing the trace maker's movement is referenced
with the image taken. The trackway ends abruptly at the 'southwest' end
and shows an affinity with Cruziana - another interpretation for the trace fossil.

© copyright Chuck D.
Howell, Jr. 2001-2022
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